Yoga House Practice
At Yoga House we aspire to our highest potential as physical and spiritual beings. We employ purposeful movement, stillness too, rich with the potential for healing and joy. We recognize that every part of a yoga posture is meaningful and potentially transformational. Even the space between each breath has much to offer.
This is an exceptionally rich practice that continues to deepen over time. Each student is guided to adapt their practice for their optimal wellbeing. Students return year after year as they continually benefit from the ongoing research and study that informs the individual solutions offered to them.
We offer an alignment based practice with classical and modern postures, and always an invitation to step into the flow of grace. Therapeutic and creative postural variations are utilized as appropriate.
A typical class will consist of breath practice and/or meditation, core work to strengthen and increase awareness, balance work, postures and modified sun salutations, along with some really delicious myofascial release techniques.
Working with the most up to date understanding of our bodies’ chains of muscle and fascia helps us to connect all parts of ourselves. We try to help each student individually as much as possible according to their preference.
Humor in these stressful times is more welcome than ever, and we never forget a beautiful, deep relaxation to close. In addition to yogic wisdom, we draw from the influences of osteopathy, physical medicine, dance, martial arts, strength and fitness training as well as physical therapy. If we have the key to unlock what holds you back, we are happy to use it to your benefit.

“Practicing yoga at Yoga House is the best thing I have ever done for myself, physically, mentally, and spiritually.”
— C.B.
“Michele is the real deal! She is a truly gifted teacher.”
— N.S.
“I learned more from Michele in a few weeks, than I had in all my years of practice.”
— T.S.
“I’ve never had a teacher who was so attentive to my individual needs.”
— J.F.
“My golf game has never been better. I’m CRUSHING the ball off the tee.”
— P.L.
“I travel regularly and take yoga classes across the country. Yoga House is one of the most uniquely charming yoga studios around!”
— C.K.
“The sense of calm that is slowly returning to my life through regular yoga practice has made day to day struggles easier to bear. I appreciate your support and guidance.”
— K.G.
“I’ve studied Yoga with some of the top teachers in NYC and never really enjoyed it until I found Michele.”
— J.R.